Policy Education

Educating decision-makers and policy-writers about the incredible support for Iowa Farm to School and Early Care is a top priority and responsibility of this Coalition and Network. The following organizations are leading advocacy and awareness initiatives at the state level and host platforms that offer updates and opportunities to become involved.

National Farm to School Network

National Farm to School Network has a vision of a strong and just food system for all, and seeks deep transformation toward this vision through farm to school – the ways kids eat, grow, and learn about food in schools and early care and education settings. NFSN promotes policies that advance their Call to Action: that 100% of communities will hold power in a racially just food system. They provide policy analysis, education, and advocacy opportunities to ensure that public policies position farm to school as a win for kids, for farmers, and communities.

Iowa Healthy School Meals for All Coalition

The Iowa Healthy School Meals for All Coalition’s main goal is to support every Iowa student by giving them the opportunity to eat meals at school - with no financial barrier. All are welcome to engage in this discussion and efforts. The Coalition meets the second Wednesday of each month from 9 - 10:30 AM. Reach out to Meg Brink (contact below) for more information or to join the Coalition meetings.

Iowa Hunger Coalition

The Iowa Hunger Coalition is an association of organizations and individuals committed to ending hunger in Iowa. Members are food pantries, food rescue organizations, community partnerships, and individuals committed to ending hunger in Iowa. They use the collective voices of members to educate and advocate for policies that would eliminate food insecurity and build equitable food systems in our state.

Iowa Food System Coalition - Local Food Policy Network

The goal of the IFSC Local Food Policy Network team is to “engage state and local partners to discuss, organize, and advocate for transformational food system policy change. Participants work together, rely upon each other, and hold one another accountable in the work to advance the priorities of the Iowa Food System Plan.